Comprehensive Membership

A concierge level package

This is ideal for someone who is seeking optimization of their health or a total health reset and wants a physician partner to guide them. This is also ideal for prevention or reversal of complex chronic illness, cancer prevention and strategies for increasing lifespan and more importantly, health span. This allows you to fully access the doctor’s expertise and guidance.


$275 / Month 

Direct access and unlimited messaging

Visits as needed including routine annual exam

Treatment for acute medical issues within the scope of practice i.e. Urinary tract infections, strep throat, flu etc… allowing you to bypass busy waiting rooms or Minor Emergency clinics.

Access to advanced laboratory and diagnostic testing along with ample time to review results, either in person or virtually.     

Health Coaching with a certified coach

20% discount on supplements, books and wearables

Flexible scheduling including evenings or weekends by request.

Quarterly InBody scans
